HTML = ♥

or ♡

I always find myself searching Google for "HTML Heart Code"
So, I compiled a little cheat-sheet for myself and others.

I hope this helps!




↓ Down arrow ↓
‾ Overline ‾
← Left arrow ←
→ Right arrow →
↑ Up arrow ↑
℠ Service Mark ℠
℃ Celsius ℃
℅ care of ℅
℉ Farenheit ℉
№ numero symbol - number sign №
℗ Sound Recording Copyright &#8471
℞ Prescription Take pharmaceutical symbol &#8478
Ω Ohm &#8486
℧ Inverted Ohm &#8487
☀ sunshine - sun &#9728
☁ cloudy - cloud &#9729
☂ raining - rain &#9730
☃ snow - snowman &#9731
☄ comet &#9732
★ star solid &#9733
☆ star outline &#9734
☇ lightning &#9735
☈ thunderstorm &#9736
☉ sun &#9737
☊ ascending node &#9738
☋ descending node &#9739
☌ conjunction &#9740
☍ opposition &#9741
☎ phone number - phone service &#9742
☏ phone symbol outline &#9743
☐ check box - ballot box &#9744
☑ ballot box check mark &#9745
☒ ballot box with X &#9746
☓ Saltire - St. Andrew's Cross &#9747
☚ left-pointing index finger &#9754
☛ right-pointing index finger &#9755
☜ left-pointing index finger &#9756
☝ upwards pointing index finger &#9757
☞ right pointing index finger &#9758
☟ downwards pointing index finger &#9759
☠ skull & crossbones &#9760
☡ caution sign &#9761
☢ radioactive sign &#9762
☣ biohazard sign &#9763
☤ Caduceus or "Kerykeion" &#9764
☥ Ankh &#9765
☦ Eastern Christian Cross &#9766
☧ Chi Rho Cross &#9767
☨ Patriarchal Cross &#9768
☩ Greek Cross &#9769
☪ Crescent Moon & Star &#9770
☫ Farsi symbol &#9771
☬ Adi Shakti &#9772
☭ hammer & sickle &#9773
☮ peace sign &#9774
☯ yin & yang &#9775
☰ trigram Heaven &#9776
☱ trigram Lake &#9777
☲ trigram Fire &#9778
☳ trigram Thunder &#9779
☴ trigram Wind &#9780
☵ trigram Water &#9781
☶ trigram Mountain &#9782
☷ trigram Heaven &#9783
☸ Dharma Wheel &#9784
☹ frowning face &#9785
☺ smiley face &#9786
☻ black smiley face &#9787
☽ waxing crescent moon &#9789
☾ waning crescent moon &#9790
☿ Mercury &#9791
♀ Venus - Female symbol &#9792
♁ Earth symbol &#9793
♂ Mars - Male symbol &#9794
♃ Jupiter &#9795
♄ Saturn &#9796
♅ Uranus &#9797
♆ Neptune &#9798
♇ Pluto &#9799
♈ Aries &#9800
♉ Taurus &#9801
♊ Gemini &#9802
♋ Cancer &#9803
♌ Leo &#9804
♍ Virgo &#9805
♎ Libra &#9806
♏ Scorpio &#9807
♐ Sagitarius &#9808
♑ Capricorn &#9809
♒ Aquarius &#9810
♓ Pisces &#9811
♔ White King &#9812
♕ White Queen &#9813
♖ White Rook &#9814
♗ White Bishop &#9815
♘ White Knight &#9816
♙ White Pawn &#9817
♚ Black King &#9818
♛ Black Queen &#9819
♜ Black Rook &#9820
♝ Black Bishop &#9821
♞ Black Knight &#9822
♟ Black Pawn &#9823
♠ black spade suit name: &spades &#9824
♡ red heart suit &#9825
♢ red diamond suit &#9826
♣ black club suit = shamrock name: &clubs &#9827
♤ red spade suit &#9828
♥ black heart suit = valentine name: &hearts &#9829
♦ black diamond suit name: &diams &#9830
♧ red club suit &#9831
♨ hot springs &#9832
♩ musical quarter note &#9833
♪ musical eighth note &#9834
♫ musical single bar note &#9835
♬ musical double bar note &#9836
♭ flat note &#9837
♮ natural note &#9838
♯ sharp note &#9839
✁ cut above &#9985
✂ cut here &#9986
✃ cut below &#9987
✄ scissors &#9988
✆ public pay phone &#9990
✇ film reel - tape spool &#9991
✈ airport jet airplane &#9992
✉ envelope mail email &#9993
✌ victory sign &#9996
✍ signature - sign here &#9997
✎ pencil diagonal down &#9998
✏ pencil &#9999
✐ pencil diagonal up &#1000
✓ check mark &#10003
✔ heavy check mark &#10004
✕ multiplication sign X &#100005
✖ heavy multiplication sign X &#10006
✗ ballot X &#10007
✘ heavy ballot X &#10008
✝ Latin Roman Cross &#10013
✞ Latin Cross 3D shadow &#10014
✟ Latin Cross outline &#10015
✠ Maltese Cross &#10016
✡ Star of David &#10017
❛ quotation mark single turned comma &#10075
❜ quotation mark single comma &#10076
❝ quotation mark double turned comma &#10077
❞ quotation mark double comma &#10078


ascii star

unicode triangle



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