▲solid up-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] ▲ |
▼solid down-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] ▼ |
◀solid left-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] ◀ |
▶solid right-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] ▶ |
△outline up-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] △ |
▽outline down-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] ▽ |
◁outline left-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] ◁ |
▷outline right-pointing triangle HTML [DECIMAL] ▷ |
↓ Down arrow ↓
‾ Overline ‾
← Left arrow ←
→ Right arrow →
↑ Up arrow ↑
℠ Service Mark ℠
℃ Celsius ℃
℅ care of ℅
℉ Farenheit ℉
№ numero symbol - number sign №
℗ Sound Recording Copyright ℗
℞ Prescription Take pharmaceutical symbol ℞
Ω Ohm Ω
℧ Inverted Ohm ℧
☀ sunshine - sun ☀
☁ cloudy - cloud ☁
☂ raining - rain ☂
☃ snow - snowman ☃
☄ comet ☄
★ star solid ★
☆ star outline ☆
☇ lightning ☇
☈ thunderstorm ☈
☉ sun ☉
☊ ascending node ☊
☋ descending node ☋
☌ conjunction ☌
☍ opposition ☍
☎ phone number - phone service ☎
☏ phone symbol outline ☏
☐ check box - ballot box ☐
☑ ballot box check mark ☑
☒ ballot box with X ☒
☓ Saltire - St. Andrew's Cross ☓
☚ left-pointing index finger ☚
☛ right-pointing index finger ☛
☜ left-pointing index finger ☜
☝ upwards pointing index finger ☝
☞ right pointing index finger ☞
☟ downwards pointing index finger ☟
☠ skull & crossbones ☠
☡ caution sign ☡
☢ radioactive sign ☢
☣ biohazard sign ☣
☤ Caduceus or "Kerykeion" ☤
☥ Ankh ☥
☦ Eastern Christian Cross ☦
☧ Chi Rho Cross ☧
☨ Patriarchal Cross ☨
☩ Greek Cross ☩
☪ Crescent Moon & Star ☪
☫ Farsi symbol ☫
☬ Adi Shakti ☬
☭ hammer & sickle ☭
☮ peace sign ☮
☯ yin & yang ☯
☰ trigram Heaven ☰
☱ trigram Lake ☱
☲ trigram Fire ☲
☳ trigram Thunder ☳
☴ trigram Wind ☴
☵ trigram Water ☵
☶ trigram Mountain ☶
☷ trigram Heaven ☷
☸ Dharma Wheel ☸
☹ frowning face ☹
☺ smiley face ☺
☻ black smiley face ☻
☽ waxing crescent moon ☽
☾ waning crescent moon ☾
☿ Mercury ☿
♀ Venus - Female symbol ♀
♁ Earth symbol ♁
♂ Mars - Male symbol ♂
♃ Jupiter ♃
♄ Saturn ♄
♅ Uranus ♅
♆ Neptune ♆
♇ Pluto ♇
♈ Aries ♈
♉ Taurus ♉
♊ Gemini ♊
♋ Cancer ♋
♌ Leo ♌
♍ Virgo ♍
♎ Libra ♎
♏ Scorpio ♏
♐ Sagitarius ♐
♑ Capricorn ♑
♒ Aquarius ♒
♓ Pisces ♓
♔ White King ♔
♕ White Queen ♕
♖ White Rook ♖
♗ White Bishop ♗
♘ White Knight ♘
♙ White Pawn ♙
♚ Black King ♚
♛ Black Queen ♛
♜ Black Rook ♜
♝ Black Bishop ♝
♞ Black Knight ♞
♟ Black Pawn ♟
♠ black spade suit name: &spades ♠
♡ red heart suit ♡
♢ red diamond suit ♢
♣ black club suit = shamrock name: &clubs ♣
♤ red spade suit ♤
♥ black heart suit = valentine name: &hearts ♥
♦ black diamond suit name: &diams ♦
♧ red club suit ♧
♨ hot springs ♨
♩ musical quarter note ♩
♪ musical eighth note ♪
♫ musical single bar note ♫
♬ musical double bar note ♬
♭ flat note ♭
♮ natural note ♮
♯ sharp note ♯
✁ cut above ✁
✂ cut here ✂
✃ cut below ✃
✄ scissors ✄
✆ public pay phone ✆
✇ film reel - tape spool ✇
✈ airport jet airplane ✈
✉ envelope mail email ✉
✌ victory sign ✌
✍ signature - sign here ✍
✎ pencil diagonal down ✎
✏ pencil ✏
✐ pencil diagonal up Ϩ
✓ check mark ✓
✔ heavy check mark ✔
✕ multiplication sign X 𘚥
✖ heavy multiplication sign X ✖
✗ ballot X ✗
✘ heavy ballot X ✘
✝ Latin Roman Cross ✝
✞ Latin Cross 3D shadow ✞
✟ Latin Cross outline ✟
✠ Maltese Cross ✠
✡ Star of David ✡
❛ quotation mark single turned comma ❛
❜ quotation mark single comma ❜
❝ quotation mark double turned comma ❝
❞ quotation mark double comma ❞